Wednesday, 27 November 2024

My Books ... For Christmas, Maybe?

As you no doubt know, since I retired from the world of 'proper' work back in December 2020 I have been rather busy with this writing lark. I have concentrated, in the main, on local history stuff, but have also turned out a couple of other efforts - one on football and another on genealogy.

All nine are handily available via Amazon as both paperbacks and ebooks - and direct links to them can be found around and about the columns of this blog. They are, essentially:

3 volumes in a series of books entitled Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Fragments of the Past

3 volumes in a series of books entitled The Great North-East: An English History Tour

A one-off volume entitled Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Tales from the Suburbs

A collection of essays on a subject close to my heart entitled Genealogy: Glitches, Gremlins & Bugbears

A biography of Cuthbert Ottaway, England's First Football Captain

Other than the last one, none of the above can be classed as in the slightest bit academic. They are full of fun facts and stories, and written in a 'popularist' manner. They are meant to be enjoyed rather than endured, and can be 'dipped into' whenever the fancy takes you.

And as you know the profits from most of them are donated to the Great North Children's Hospital, which is based here in Newcastle but takes in youngsters from all over the region. A worthy cause, I'm sure you'll agree. The profits from the Ottaway and Genealogy books are kept by me, though (just so you know - though the takings don't amount to much!).

It occurs to me that now is as good a time as any to post this message, as you may be looking for ideas for Christmas pressies - or even to treat yourself.

As well as all the links on this blog, you can also find more info at or at my really boring bio page at 

There's another book of mine, too, which you may enjoy called In the News: the 1970s. (don't be frightened of the Lulu website, as it's free to register and there are no catches).

If you've made it all the way down to here, then well done. Thanks to all of you who have already bought any of my stuff (do leave a rating/review on Amazon), and thanks, too, for any support you can offer both now and in the future!

Oh, and, er, Happy Christmas! (in advance) 🎄🎅🎄🎅

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