Thursday, 14 March 2024

Past, Present & Future

Just for a change I thought I'd have a look at some of the forthcoming changes (hopefully for the better) which are due to hit the streets of Newcastle ... especially the ones linked in some way to the city's heritage. Pretty much everything that follows is lifted from the latest issue of the council's 'Citylife' magazine (Spring 2024) - which, I'm sorry to say, doesn't seem to be available online. Never mind.

(1) Firstly, of course, there is the immense building that is going up on the corner of Pilgrim Street and New Bridge Street - set to house an astonishing 9,000 HMRC staff. You really can't miss it, and I must say it looks magnificent (so far). Then there are all the other bits and pieces lower down Pilgrim Street (new builds + renovations of the old fire and police stations, etc.), which are also gonna lift the grand old thoroughfare to something like its former glory (and probably way beyond!);

(2) The Grainger Market, built in 1835, is set to be 'enhanced' considerably soon (work starts in July). The open 'arcade' part of the market is to be largely cleared of its free-standing stalls (they will be re-located), and new pavilions will be built at each end of its cavernous interior. Events, etc., will be held there during both the day and evenings. The market's 14 entrances will also be upgraded; as will the aisled parts of the building - and new facilities in general will be created;

(3) The work on Grey Street is due to be completed soon. The creation of 'rain gardens', new loading bays and improvements to lighting are all planned to be installed this year. There'll still be a traffic through road, but it looks like a much more pedestrian-friendly affair if the CGI images are to be believed;

(4) The much-needed improvements to Northumberland Street are finally underway! New seats, trees/greenery and lighting are planned by the summer of 2025 - and new paving! Yes!! (boy it needs it). Bit chaotic down there at the minute, but let's hope it's worth the wait;

(5) Great to see that they've completed the renovation of the old Stephenson railway workshops behind the Central Station (the so-called 'Stephenson Quarter'). It's now a hub for small and medium-sized businesses. Its not quite in full use yet, but it's getting there;

(6) Homes England are set to build thousands of new homes on the huge 15-acre site next-door to the Arena down by the riverside (known as 'Forth Yards'). The site will eventually be much bigger, of course, once the Arena itself is demolished;

(7) The Tyne Bridge is finally being restored! It's going to take four years, mind, so don't hold your breath. At least it will be ready, hopefully, for its centenary celebrations in 2028.

(8) ... And could Newcastle United be getting a brand-new shiny super-stadium to play in soon? Rumours are rife, so keep your ear to the ground and your eyes peeled.

There's probably loads more, but that's the major stuff, I think. 

Exciting times ahead! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I almost forgot. Another prominent project on the horizon is the planned revamp of the Keelmen's Hospital on City Road!
